Most of Christoph Deinhard’s mandates are at board or top management level. In approximately one third of all mandates, Christoph Deinhard supports the existing management as a coach in special situations.
Thanks to his experience of more than 25 years in special situations, Christoph Deinhard enjoys the trust of banks, venture capital and private equity companies in corporate finance. Christoph Deinhard is also a partner in a financing company for companies in special situations.
Christoph Deinhard’s mandates always have the aim to increase the company’s value. He achieves this goal primarily through strategic and operational management, also in connection with increasing productivity, process optimization and the introduction or stabilization of IT applications, e.g. ERP systems.
Christoph Deinhard is a proven IT specialist.
Christoph Deinhard’s management style is subsidiary. This means that in addition to their obligations, employees also have the decision-making options they need to perform their tasks.
Christoph Deinhard communicates with everyone at eye level, regardless of their hierarchical position. Associated with this is always an extraordinary motivation of the employees. The way of dealing with employee representatives, works council and unions is based on partnership. Even in conflict-prone situations, Christoph Deinhard has managed to bring all stakeholder interests together towards a common goal. This also applies to conflicting differences among shareholders.
Christoph Deinhard would be happy to provide numerous references about his work if interested, from former mandate holders, finance companies and banks, employee representatives and unions.
Christoph Deinhard has worldwide experience, with the exception of South America. He never had intercultural problems.
Prognos AG, Basel / Strategic consulting
Head of Consulting for Germany out of the Cologne office
Assignments in the automobile supplier industry, foundries,
and in medium-sized companies
IOT, München / IT-Beratungsgesellschaft
IT Consultant to governmental organizations
GIMOD J.V., Mossul, Iraq / Construction (a subsidiary of Hochtief, Essen)
In charge of building manufacturing facilities, tunnels, utilities
Studied Economics and Business Administration
Studied Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering
Degree: Dipl.-Ing. Maschinenbau