XYZ GmbH / International freight forwarding
Assignment 11. 1995-1996 Company XYZ GmbH / International freight forwarding Position Deputy Managing Director Assignment Turnaround, Get the company fit for sale
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Assignment 11. 1995-1996 Company XYZ GmbH / International freight forwarding Position Deputy Managing Director Assignment Turnaround, Get the company fit for sale
Assignment 10. 1995 Company XYZ GmbH / Centrifugal casting company Position Turnaround manager (Initiator of assignment was a bank) Assignment Turnaround, out-of-court settlement, prevent insolvency
Assignment 09. 1994 Company XYZ AG / Machine tool manufacturer Position Turnaround manager (Initiator of assignment was a bank) Assignment Restructure; takeover by XYZ AG (see below); finance the turnaround through a stock offering.ImplementationRestructuring proceeded in close cooperation with the state government.
Assignment 08. 1994 Company XYZ GmbH / Wholesalers of watches and jewelry Position CFO (Initiator of assignment was a bank) / Post-merger integration Assignment Restructure the financing of the takeover by an Asian investor
Assignment 07. 1993 Company XYZ AG / Machine tool manufacturer Position Turn manager (Initiator of assignment was a bank) Assignment Restructure through an out-of-court settlement, finance the turnaround through a stock offering. Implementation Restructuring proceeded in close cooperation with the state government.
Mandat 06. 1992 Company XYZ AG / Mining supplies Position Restructuring manager / Post-merger integration Assignment Restructure suppliers’ holdings in XYZ AG (machine tools, plant construction, waste management, software houses, IT service providers).
Assignment 05. 1991-1992 Company XYZ GmbH / Architecture and engineering office Position Turnaround manager (Initiator of assignment was the company‘s supervisory board) Assignment Restructure and take the company private, sell to an investment bank, an employees’ consortium and a European industrial investor
Assignment 04. 1990 Company XYZ GmbH / Vocational wear manufacturer Position Turnaround manager Assignment Restructure and privatize
Assignment 03. 1986-1989 Company Prognos AG, Basel / Strategic consulting Position Head of Consulting for Germany out of the Cologne officeAssignments in the automobile supplier industry, foundries, and medium-sized companies
Assignment 02. 1983-1985 Company IOT, Munich / IT consulting Position IT Consultant to governmental organizations